The Leaf and the Orb | Teen Ink

The Leaf and the Orb

April 30, 2018
By Kathy03 BRONZE, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Kathy03 BRONZE, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pounding the evergreen leaves
Raindrops turn to gray orbs
water and leaves
forming a bond like Yin and Yang

Suddenly, like a crack of a whip
The lighting strikes the peaceful tree
Sending energy
Carving a hole through it
as a logger would chop wood

Silence falls just as the tree starts to tip
the branches reach out
like they are trying to catch themselves
with a crash one side smashes the ground

As the rain starts to spread on the light bark
the silence is cut off from the pouring rain
like a scared animal
the peacefulness starts to creep back in
resuming the natural circle of life
with the leaf and the orb

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem to represent nature. Nature is a beautiful thing, and I wanted to show that, so I wrote about water falling off of a leaf.

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