You are not a Poem | Teen Ink

You are not a Poem

April 27, 2018
By AnaHein BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
AnaHein BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are not made up of Words

or have Alliteration on your tongue

or have Metaphors shining in your eyes

or have Thoughts presented on your skin for all to dissect.


No –

you are made up of skin and muscle and bone and

your tongue forms whatever words it wants and

the only thing that shines in your eyes is light and

your thoughts are where they belong, inside your mind, to be shared in your time.


You are not a Poem

for me to read and ponder and enjoy.

So why can’t I treat you any other way?


The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this because I felt like I was overanalyzing the actions of the person I liked at the time of writing. The way I interpreted his actions and speech reminded me a lot of the way I analyze poetry.  

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