A Night's Rumination | Teen Ink

A Night's Rumination

April 22, 2018
By Anonymous

When the night’s breeze
takes you away
When all the other
birds fly away
Only I am
Left behind


When your soft voice coos
and sings
And when all your voices
transform into
My throat remains parched
unable to make
A sound


When all of them dance
to your melody
And remain entranced
by your beauty
I watch you
My gaze
always unreturned- too
Weak for you


When the night
grows darker
and still
Your wings bathe
in the light
Of the moon.
Why then do I
remain in the dark,
Concealed under the shadows?


When the stars change
their positions
All of you divulge in your secrets
and enchantments
Why does time
Stop for me.
Slumber takes
over, I am unable to
compete with

When dawn arrives
and you awaken
When all of you
Once again
Fly away
Why then do I
feel too weak
To  s p r e a d  my wings
To take a
To follow you – your
mere shadow
Even after a full
Night’s sleep

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