The Seasons | Teen Ink

The Seasons

April 17, 2018
By Anonymous

She was like a Spring afternoon.
Her presence was cool but welcoming
I saw her and she was beautiful like blooming flowers.
She was magical and lifted my spirit
like how the magic of Spring revives nature
in the April Showers
But as the days passed, she changed like the seasons.

She was like the Summer day.
When I saw her, she was the beautiful late Summer Morning.
When she laughed I felt the flash of pretty, swirling colors in the sky.
She was the slightly warm but breezy air I love so much.
She was the warm summer night in the country, flush with stars.
But as the days passed, she changed like the seasons.

She was like the Autumn Morning.
Same flash of swirling colors, but they weren’t so bright.
Maybe that was the first sign.
And Her air was crisp and a little unfriendly at first, but it warmed up
As the day moved on.
Her Autumn nights were colder than the summer with fewer stars.
But as the days passed, she changed like the seasons.

She was like the Winter Night.
The colors were nonexistent.
Instead, it was just dark and unwelcoming.
And the air around her was freezing,
and this time, it never warmed up
She felt like a barren tundra,
And that was when I knew,
Her seasons with me were gone.

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