I am Poem | Teen Ink

I am Poem

April 17, 2018
By bkaylin326 BRONZE, Bloomington, Indiana
bkaylin326 BRONZE, Bloomington, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You won't always have someone there when you fall.

I grew up in the shallowed space of my mo's heart

My mother crafted me from her failures

My twin taunted me into being this broken down vehicle I am

Tokens of regret from my sister stuck in the empty rusted slot that is my mind.


My father left me in the dark, sinking under my caved in ceiling

Faded behind my sisters' shirts in the back of the closet

Trampled under the tires of my brothers dirtbike

Suffocating from those toxic words, "I love you."


Trapped behind the notion that always meant forever

Fleeding from everyone's misjudgments

I am not who you think I am

I am just as damaged, broken, and bruised as everyone else.


And just because I smile, does not mean that I am


The author's comments:

We had two poets come into our school, and they asked all of us to work on a "I am" poem. I didn't finish that day, but I decided to finish on my own time. This is the product of my free time and broken emotions. I really hope someone could find a way to relate to it, maybe not in the same way as me.

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