Walls | Teen Ink


April 11, 2018
By ali.kennedy BRONZE, Park City, Utah
ali.kennedy BRONZE, Park City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

I have these walls to keep people out
To keep me safe
To protect me from the ones that want to hurt me
They have been here for so long
I’ve forgotten how to let people past them
They ensure my security from all
All except you
You are breaking in
The thick walls that protect me are breaking
You are penetrating through
Breaking the barriers I built
You don’t seem to notice the walls
You don’t seem to care
You infiltrate the towering structures
The walls I’ve spent years building
You go through in months
I see you coming through to me
Seeing me in the darkness sitting alone
You approach and tell me you’re here
You pick me up from the solitude inside of the walls
You carry me outside
You bring me outside of my walls for the first time

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