Scary factors | Teen Ink

Scary factors

April 15, 2018
By Adreonna BRONZE, Louisville , Kentucky
Adreonna BRONZE, Louisville , Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The whistling grenades shake the ground
The smell of death lingers around
The sound of gunshots and grenades fill your ears
It feels like you've been fighting for years

Guns and grenades are non-stop firing day and night
while your sleeping and trying to do what you think is right
You feel weak and energy drained
And the only thing left to feel is pain

Being a soldier takes alot
During war it's between life and death and you only get one shot
In war there's so many scary factors

And not everything is games and laughter
In war there's so much stuff going on
But in the end so much stuff is lost and gone
And no one REALLY won

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