Business | Teen Ink


April 14, 2018
By May.brooke BRONZE, Patterson Lakes, Other
May.brooke BRONZE, Patterson Lakes, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Blurs of busy swirl around; it feels as though I'm living in a different world.
The lights never stop, flash flash - etcetera;
whoever said the action started after the lights and camera?

Action’s dance is constant and relentless, tapping away to a familiar song

This dance is not one easy to learn, it feels so unnatural; so wrong.

Growing up one learns the life so many have taken before them.
The human race, so fast in pace, too busy so see what’s important.


Business is not the route I fancy taking;
For I have a beautiful life in the making.
Where happiness thrives, and stress has no hold on me —
Because this is the way it was meant to be.

The author's comments:

During the stress of my school work, and after observing the road ahead -- I noticed that stress and the lack of time seems to be never ending. My ideal world would be to simply raise a family and paint, but with the high cost of living in Australia and most of the world, both parents would have to work (and hard) to afford to give their children a good education and a good life. It feels like the society we live in is trying to prevent us to be happy. Depression and anxiety rates are soaring, anxiety due to the constant stress of this world, and depression because of a lack of purpose. This purpose only God can give, but the abundant distractions turn people's heads away from the only thing that can truly fulfil them. I happen to have anxiety, like a quarter of those around me. This was brought about when I placed my value in my grades - when my grades went down, so did my self esteem. I have only the fast paced society to blame, full of expectation and pressure. That being said, I have the power to change that, and should take partial responsibility. 

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