Youth? | Teen Ink


April 13, 2018
By existentialistmexican BRONZE, Brighton, Michigan
existentialistmexican BRONZE, Brighton, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I cling to my youth, I see the creases in my eyes deepen, my stretch marks lengthen, and I seem to have less and less energy by the day. My God, I thought you started to age at an older age! I thought I had a pretty thorough skin care routine for being 15 years old. However, though the aging process is subtle, I will occasionally deeply examine my face and body. I see new lines, dry patches, bumps, scars, and pores. All of this might sound unnecessarily specific and, quite frankly, gross. I know this, but I think it is an important thing to talk about. As teenagers, we often feel invincible, one with the human experience, and weightless when caught up in the flighty, impulsive, and quite stupid decisions. That is merely one side of the spectrum. The other side, is well, you guessed it: dramatic, overthinking things almost to a fault, and feeling as though we are all alone and the world is against us.

As we stumble to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, we age; quite a bit. I do not know when this happens exactly, but it happens and there is nothing we can do about it. We start to complain about our backs aching and our skin worsening and pretty much anything that changes.

Then we ask ourselves, where did our youth go? I could have sworn it was only yesterday that I felt like I could live forever, but as plain as day, us teenagers are stuck between a place in which we feel as though we are too young to be old and too old to be young.

So I guess the real question is: besides my wrinkles, what are the lines and where are they drawn?

The author's comments:

I see my generation falling on a never ending spectrum and I want to know how youth can effect us all and how much it matters in society.

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