We All Dream These Things | Teen Ink

We All Dream These Things

April 6, 2018
By laureen_steis GOLD, Ridgway, Pennsylvania
laureen_steis GOLD, Ridgway, Pennsylvania
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are still dreaming.
I dream everyday.
I dream for the true equality
of race, religion, and gender.
I dream for more
to be socially tolerant
of the decisions
that others are entitled to.
I dream for the day
when outcasts are seen
as a somebody
and not just a body to tamper with.
I dream for a time
when people aren’t seen as objects
and that it wouldn’t be joked of
women belonging in the kitchen.
I dream that schools would become
a place of safety and education
rather than a battle ground
for bullets to be shed and lives to be lost.
I dream for the day when innocence
can still remain bestowed within youth
so that they won’t have to fear
what was seemingly not so possible
decades ago.
I dream that the little girl won’t wake up
fearing to wear her light up sneakers to class
because they could pose as a possible threat
in revealing her location
to an intruder.
I dream for these acts of rage to dissolve,
that stereotypes would vanish,
that gun violence or any violence
for that matter would disappear.
I dream that acts of terror will die out
and that hope will not.
I dream that we will turn hoping
into believing.
I dream these things.
We all dream these things.

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