Our Love | Teen Ink

Our Love

April 6, 2018
By Nyaisha BRONZE, Springfield, Massachusetts
Nyaisha BRONZE, Springfield, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Destructive; that's what we are.
Leaving nothing behind in the wreckage.

What was once a love so pure and full,
Has been shattered by the harsh realities of the world,
Turning our summer storm into a wild hurricane.

Hiding in the shadows to cover the things
We did too dark to see the light.

Our love was like the setting sun,
Filling you up with the fading warmth
Before leading you on to the cold dark night.

Our screams like thunder
Shaking the ground, we walk on.

We let the rain drown out the
Lies and the empty promises.

Sweet nothings whispered to each other,
Soft and caressing as the wind.

A love so strong and powerful
It cracked the sky.

Our love was like a summer storm,
The air buzzing with the electricity
That passed between us, causing
Goosebumps to appear on my arm.

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