Be Yourself | Teen Ink

Be Yourself

March 29, 2018
By Lilyp15 BRONZE, Fort Collins, Co, Colorado
Lilyp15 BRONZE, Fort Collins, Co, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I saw her sitting in her chair
Her face filled up with stress
People would just stop and stare
As if she were a mess
“She is different!” They taunted
Staring with their judging eyes
“She could never be wanted.”
I looked at them with disappointment
This is just not right
Being different is not so bad
In fact it shines some light
Being different means
You can stray from the path
It means you can carve your own way
And instead of making it a bloodbath
We can accept people for who they are
No matter how different they may be
Because maybe we have always thought
Of different in the wrong philosophy
Maybe being different
Is actually a gift
Maybe being different
Actually gives a lift
Just think about it for a second
What if different means
You could be yourself for once
and live your wildest dreams
You could take off the mask you wear
To fit into this Earth
And everyone could be amazed
At just how much your worth
People need to understand
You may be different
And that is all okay
Because I believe that everyone
Is different in their own way

The author's comments:

I see a lot of juding in this world today and I think if we all get to know each other we can unite through our differences. I hope that people will understand through my peom that we all just need to love everyone for who they are because I believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way.

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