On the Streets of Old Milwaukee | Teen Ink

On the Streets of Old Milwaukee

March 28, 2018
By volleyball23 SILVER, Nashotah , Wisconsin
volleyball23 SILVER, Nashotah , Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They sit rocking back and forth, back and forth.
A crisp breeze blows and her head rests on him.
Their thoughts whisk away with the wind before resting
peacefully upon the Streets of Old Milwaukee.
                                                            The dim lights flicker and the sound of
                                                            footsteps on the cobblestone echo between the buildings.
                                                            Children frolic through the streets and shop windows
                                                            beckon travelers to stop, on the Streets of Old Milwaukee.

A couple reminisces about a simpler time,
When life was lived without rush and rhyme.
They remember what used to be, when they
found love on the Streets of Old Milwaukee.
                                                             Their memories fade and again they swing
                                                             back and forth, back and forth. But the scent of sweet sugar,
                                                             the sound of the streetcar, the simple life
                                                             loved by many, remain on the Streets of Old Milwaukee.

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