Little Boy | Teen Ink

Little Boy

March 16, 2018
By sarahsoliday4 BRONZE, Zwingle, Iowa
sarahsoliday4 BRONZE, Zwingle, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Little boy when you entered this world,

you changed my life forever.

When I first held you in my arms,

I knew we'd always be together.


Little boy I never knew

how much you would change me.

I thought your impact would be small

because I was too young to truly see.


Little boy as you have grown,

you have grown up truly wild.

You know what you like and who you are,

this makes you my favorite child.


Little boy much like your dad,

you fail to keep calm.

But you've been raised with grace and love,

and for that we praise your mom.


Little boy you may not know,

but your future is so bright.

Whatever you do and wherever you go,

I know you'll do what's right.


Little boy there will come a day

when you won't be so small.

You will be grown, almost a man,

and you won't remember these days at all.


Little boy one day will come

when you will have to leave.

You'll get in your car and drive away,

Your future so close you can see.


Little boy when you live your life,

live it for yourself.

Do what you want to make the most of your life

if you are happy, then you are full of wealth.


Little boy one day will come,

when you are no longer little.

You are not a boy, you are now a man,

but to me you'll always be little.


Little boy you will go to college,

you will be living the life I am now.

Wherever you go and what you do,

I know you'll make us proud.


Little boy I hope you remember, 

all of the fun times we shared.

Some day when you have a nephew of your own,

I hope you'll remember me, and how much I truly cared.


Little boy we've now grown older,

I am now such an old woman.

You are younger, but not by much,

you have truly grown into a remarkable man.


Little boy when my times comes,

I hope you know my words are true.

You were the first nephew, my little best friend,

and no matter what I will always love you.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this poem because of my first nephew. Watching him grow up, I thought about how I felt when he was first born, and how I feel now.

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