Dear Vietnam Veteran | Teen Ink

Dear Vietnam Veteran

March 9, 2018
By aee19 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
aee19 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  First I would like to apologize on behalf of everyone who did not give you the welcome home you deserved after returning from Vietnam. The behavior of the people who were there when you came home was cruel and disrespectful. You deserve better than that. So I would like to welcome you home.
Hearing the things you encountered throughout your lifetime is chilling and took bravery. Hearing how you were treated when you came back from the war shattered my heart. No one should ever have to feel unwanted, and disrespected like you did. I’m reaching out to you to tell you you are greatly loved, and deserve nothing less than to feel that love and appreciation.
Despite the hatred you may have received, you persevered, stayed strong and fought your way through. I’d like to thank you for not only your service, but also for sacrificing your early-adulthood, your body, and your mind.
  I’m seventeen years old and thinking about getting drafted to the war in a year scares me. I know you were probably scared, and didn’t know what was going to happen but you pushed through the fear because you are such a strong individual.
I think so highly of every single veteran in the United States, no matter how long they fought, or what war they were in. They are brave people, just like you.
I would again like to apologize on how you were initially welcomed home. You deserved a proper welcome home and I hope you receive that from the Honor Flight. All I want is to see a smile on your face and for you to truly feel the love you should’ve felt over forty years ago. Thank you for your constant bravery and everything else you have done throughout your life.

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