My Monster | Teen Ink

My Monster

March 1, 2018
By emlee_2002 SILVER, Huntington, Indiana
emlee_2002 SILVER, Huntington, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The monster listened,
And her tears glistened.
Then they turned to ice,
And I became the sacrifice.

Her cries crack my heart,
It seeps blood which starts
To tickle my insides,
My only laughter here resides.

I tremor with her pain-
Lungs burn when tears are rain.
She says no breathing,
But I can't keep sheathing,

So I take the poisonous air.
She begs in despair
For a death.
I take a breath.

I may be alive,
But dead is how I've
Been living my life.
She, my reason for rife,
Begs I just grab the knife.

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