I don't get it | Teen Ink

I don't get it

March 2, 2018
By A_Mace27 BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
A_Mace27 BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" I am not a word. I am not line. I am not a girl that could ever be defined. I am not fly. I am levitation. I represent an entire generation."

You told me you wanna hold my heart

You told me we will never part

What you didn't tell me 

Was that everything

You have ever said to me 

You went behind my back and said another thing

I don't get it...

I don't like this little game that you play

You got me all in my feelings

Falling for you

People telling me one thing about you

But I decided not to listen

I went out on a limb 

Decided to give you a chance

But what they said was true

I should have never listened to you

You toiled with my emotion

Broke my heart

I would've given you anything 

and more

I don't know what you're looking for 


These females can't give you

What I offer...

The author's comments:

This peice is when you get betrayed by the one you love

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