The Forgotten Dreamer | Teen Ink

The Forgotten Dreamer

March 1, 2018
By Zorla GOLD, Winona, Minnesota
Zorla GOLD, Winona, Minnesota
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sahra looked out of the wide window beside her
Longing to have feathery wings and fly up to join the birds in the sapphire sky
Swooping and soaring freely over enormous cities and resplendent forests.

Or to grow a long, bushy tail and join the squirrels
As they run precariously along tree branches and electrical wires
Always collecting acorns and stealing bird seed.

Perhaps a scaly tail and fins would be ideal;
To tranquilly swim along in a rushing river, placid lake, or crystalline sea
Just floating along with the continual flow of both water and life.

But then again, being a human allows one
To do all those splendid things— and more!
They are just a little difficult for her to do stuck in a hospital bed
That she would never leave.

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