Her Eyes | Teen Ink

Her Eyes

February 24, 2018
By mslaton BRONZE, Chesapeake, Virginia
mslaton BRONZE, Chesapeake, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We can erase what is written, but we cannot unwrite it.

     If oceans were replaced by forests, and the whispers of the trees sounded like the chatter of dolphins, one could describe her eyes. For there are both oceans and forests trapped within them.

     However, oceans are not the the brilliant tones of green and brown that reside in her eyes.

     No, oceans are of the webs of blue and freckled grey that lay around the edges of her irises; a sunburst of yellow at the centers.

     Her eyes are those of a being that is strong-willed and stubborn. Stony and unmoving as they scold anyone who dares to disrespect her loved ones.

     What color are her eyes? It is impossible to say, for they are a kaleidoscope of life.

     Sometimes the grey-blue of the mighty ocean.

     Sometimes the soft greens, yellows, and browns of the woodlands and meadows.

     Other times, they are a piercing concoction of all of these colors.

     Framed by dark lashes, they are windows to a word unknown.     

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