Dear,all my growth thinkers | Teen Ink

Dear,all my growth thinkers

February 14, 2018
By firewriter BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
firewriter BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All Unbreakable things we are yet it rocks
Back and forth
because opportunities knocks at the door
Evolution or situations help us pell of dead skin  that was part of us
Only a matter of time until we all disappear into dust
Time after time, we lose sight of whats important
But our eyes not wounded,
not gone,
not replaced
yet we did an exchange
Switching the loving memories to the revenge we want and seek
Switching the big picture helping each other to be focusing on our own consent reality
Switching the hope  that have inside  with endless negativity from the outside
Don’t you see your reality isn’t just your own, but everyone around you. Not just those in your phone
Strong beings yet weak when it comes to small entities
Important moments in your life,make it the best
cause you only have one life and you should be happy
School, work, family, friends things that can benifit you good or bad in the end
But they were in your life,
it doesn’t matter what they did
How they did it
How it made you feel
But going moving forward that is the real deal
Situations, no, another word
Experiences, no, something else,
Episodes, no not yet
Evolution yeah that’s that.
Growing all the time as  people is what we do ,please don’t forget what makes you can help others like you
grow too

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