I Remember | Teen Ink

I Remember MAG

January 25, 2018
By autumnpaige SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
autumnpaige SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember missing the gasoline
That hung in the air in the dead of winter
I remember watching the snowflakes
As they fell, down, down, down
In this small, silent mid-western town

I remember gazing at the stars
That twinkled above the silhouettes
of maple trees
The yellow, red, orange leaves
That swirled and fluttered to the ground

I remember leaving the quaint country roads
That I walked down during the summer
The yellow school buses
That I couldn’t wait to ride in the fall
As I grew older I realized that the world
isn’t that small

So one day the country roads vanished
Like the fumes of gasoline
Like the snow in spring
Like the leaves in the fall

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