Dejected Thoughts | Teen Ink

Dejected Thoughts

January 30, 2018
By RissaC BRONZE, Burien, Washington
RissaC BRONZE, Burien, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is a poem about you, about me
A poem about who you and I wanna be
Conformity is not for you and me
It is about going beyond the eye can see for you and me

This is about being who you are
The intellectual individual you are blessed to be
A two, a four, a six year degree still won't define You and me

Being content is not inside me
Being content is not inside you
You and I will not drown in the knots of thoughts
We decide the legacy we leave for when we rot

This poem is about Potential
The Potential that isn't always visual
Life is not lived in a stencil
But live how you apply your mental

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