Heather Heyer | Teen Ink

Heather Heyer

January 29, 2018
By audriemae BRONZE, Hanahan, South Carolina
audriemae BRONZE, Hanahan, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
May the petals teach me the art of letting go.

I’m a young, privileged white girl
The world is served to me on a platter
I am the sweet sensation of glitter and naivety
I live the american dream of bikini bathing on beaches
While I sip the taste of freedom out of a golden wine glass
Whining about needing more freedom
While others have little to none
I represent the privileged class
I am white so I have the blood of slave owners
And alt-right nazi lovers
I have bones built by hands who have built concentration camps
Bones built by those who have run minorities to bones and skin
Bones built by those that i do not have to live up to
I am a privileged white girl
I will not hide behind my privilege like the president of this country hides behind a wall
I sit and watch things that should not be there
Hallucinations that are too lucky to be real
I watch.
I watch scene after scene of man attacking man based off of the color of their skin
Innocent people being killed for exercising their rights
Protesters being mowed down by cars in a seemingly bloodless fight
But now America has another massacre on her hands
And I am a privileged white girl
I recognize myself in the young woman that was killed
Even my mom says, “that could’ve been you.”
Heather Heyer, 32
Young white girl supporting black lives matter
Using her privilege for good use
Privilege used for those who don’t have it
Privilege used for those who are undermined day by day in today's society
Sitting here and twiddling my thumbs while people are living and breathing monsters
Leaving bones behind them in trails
I can do nothing while sitting here
Hands are used to build things
And i will use these hands to build up the biggest army of privileged white people looking to make a difference
My hands will build the bones of soldiers
Warriors of love and kindness
I will dig my hands into the flesh of inequality and rip out its heart
Because that’s what Heather Heyer would want.
I was told that this poem is harsh and aggressive
But this topic is harsh and aggressive I’m not going to dance around it
It’s not a happy, lighthearted song
This is a modern day speakeasy.
I am a privileged white girl.
And I will help bring racism to its knees.

The author's comments:

I'm very opinionated and I don't like not having a voice just because I am white, so I thought I could stand up in my own way. I want people to understand that you don't have to be black or a person of color in order to stand up for black lives matter and I wanted to make a poem in honor of Heather Heyer because she did die in an honorable way. 

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