The Purpose of Life | Teen Ink

The Purpose of Life

January 19, 2018
By AbbyD BRONZE, Coal Valley, Illinois
AbbyD BRONZE, Coal Valley, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Something that is taken for granted
It is the most amazing gift anyone could be given
A chance
A hope
Sometimes just a dream for others
Others that wish their life hadn’t ended so soon
Wishing they could have a second chance
A lot of us haven’t found it
What is the purpose
Is it to help others
To improve the world
To be a friend
We search to the bottom of the earth to find it
Sometimes it is never found
We all are given a chance
To live
To breathe
To believe
In whatever we want to
To make our own decisions that shape our lives
That make us unique
Make us who we are
Life unites us
It brings us together
To make us realize we are the same
We have all been given the same gift
We all are connected
A dream to some
A hope for others

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this poem simply because of life. We don't appreciate life as much as we should.

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