Day at the beach | Teen Ink

Day at the beach

January 17, 2018
By bebejcleo_xo BRONZE, Breinigsville , Pennsylvania
bebejcleo_xo BRONZE, Breinigsville , Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Splash,crash,bash against the hot sand,

A cool breeze, whoosh! Had a drink in my hand,

Sweet mango colada, fresh aromas of baking empanadas,

Bright shining sun as day breaks,

Croaking flying feathered creatures about the sky,

Their wings stretching farther than the fading horizon,

Reflections of stars in a clear ocean, the moon as the sun once was,

Giving light into the depths of the sea, for all the animals to dance and sing their nightly melodies,

Burning fire pits and families keeping warm, looking into the heaven and await the storm.

The author's comments:

This piece was written for pleasure. The day I describe was one of a late summer day at the beach when the days are hot but the nights get cold. This piece is a collection of memories I've had at the beach. In times when I'm stressed and my future seems uncetain, I can always look back at the days at the beach and find peace and serenity.

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