I Am Hope | Teen Ink

I Am Hope

January 17, 2018
By kaileygrace BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
kaileygrace BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am hope.
I am the color of the sunrise, my vibrant colors signaling a new day, a fresh start.
I am there when it feels like there’s nowhere else to go; when it feels like you’re at rock bottom.
I am a ray of sunshine, dancing across the puddles of water after a storm.
I am the little thing that always makes you smile at the ground when nothing is going your way.
I am the season of spring, flowers, and sunshine after a long, frigid winter.
I am the memories of good times that nudge at mind as you drift to sleep at night.
I am your favorite song, the one that makes you dance in your room when no one is looking.
I am your favorite childhood storybook, reminding you of the times when there were no worries.
I am hope, a small light in the darkness, not always visible, but there.

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