blind | Teen Ink


January 9, 2018
By giannamaida BRONZE, Vidor, Texas
giannamaida BRONZE, Vidor, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i love you.
my passion for you burns like the olympic flame, never ending.
you put the light in my eyes and the pep in my step.
smiles come with ease when i’m around you.
the way your hand fits perfectly with mine gives me butterflies everytime.
i can talk to you about anything and everything.
i hold you when you cry over your pain.
when people attack i will defend you until my dying breath.
you are my sun, my moon, my sky.
pleasing you and keeping you happy is my number one goal.
i wear the green dress now because you said the brown one made me look a little big.
the arguments i get into with my parents have become more frequent and violent.
i run my hands along my thighs feeling the stretch marks you have told me to hide.
i tried to tell you about my day but you had to tell me how awful yours was first.
soon i learned to stop screaming when you would bust holes in the drywall near me.
i held my breath when the dust threatened to invade my lungs like you would invade my body.
laughter turned to crying.
happiness turned to depression.
joy turned to fear.
love turned to hate.
i loved you.
i loved you before i could see.
the little bit of excitement you added to my life ended up being an unreliable person.
your possessive nature that i once admired evolved into a control issue.
friends that i once held near and dear to me vanished before my eyes.
standing before a mirror is now a feared and hated task of mine.
my body which you have engraved in my head is your body feels broken and empty.
i hate you.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by a long relationship that should've ended before it started.

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