When the light left us. | Teen Ink

When the light left us.

December 24, 2017
By LordIlluminatus SILVER, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
LordIlluminatus SILVER, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My best friend is isolation; my mistress is loneliness.

We were all stars once--

Every one of us,

Every one of our atoms

From the suns and stars above.

Truly, we were all star children,

Born wondering and questioning curiously,

With little flecks of light and life in our eyes

We adventured,

Letting our lights lead us on epic journeys

Where we played and learned

And found our ways.


So when was it that the light left us?

When was it that our journeys didn't seem important anymore,

And our learning was put on hold indefinitely,

Until the end of forever,

Because other commitments were put in our way?


The light leaves all of us eventually.

It's why no star child survives past childhood.

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