Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

December 18, 2017
By Anonymous

I am from the smell of fresh cut grass in the evening, and chirping birds in the morning.
I am from three homes that were all different, but all filled with love. My favorite being the huge red barn yard were my brother and I would always hide and play in the hay.

I am from red roses, apple trees, and deer in the fields.

I am from the soft sounds of the lake, and boats always going by.

From Santi and Deonna and how they never gave up on others.

From “Follow your dreams” and “Never settle for less then your best”.

I am from Christianity, from Mt. Hope church.

From the grandmother that cooked our favorite meals to the grandfather that taught us about life.

I am from all of these things.

That began, where I’m from.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem as a classroom assingment, I decided to writew my poem on the topic of where im from because I am from different homes and I want others to conenct to my writing


I hope that others can connect to what i have been through throughout the years. 

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