We The People | Teen Ink

We The People

December 16, 2017
By Saloneee BRONZE, Pembroke Pines, Florida
Saloneee BRONZE, Pembroke Pines, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Never have I seen a world so against effective change.
With nonsensical views and illogical empty claims,
Melting the ice caps while fiddling with fake maps,
These people know not what they do to their own habitat.

Never have I seen a world so opposed to equality.
“Don’t do this, don’t do that” is all little girls hear,
And boys being told they’d be weak if they were to ever shed a tear.
These people know not what they do to their own children.

Never have I seen a world so bothered with the color a skin can wear.
If only we were more interested in each other’s stories,
and the heart one’s willing to share.
These people know not what they do to their own souls.

Never have I seen a world that fails to realize,
In the end we are all we have,
And there is but one human race.
Each person wants a sense of belonging
And it is up to us to create that space.

The author's comments:

When it comes to making a difference—big or small—it can be pretty difficult to know where to start. I’ve often found myself wondering, “Which of the overwhelming number of urgent global issues should I focus my attention on first?” And that’s completely normal. That's why it’s imperative that the last thing we resort to is apathy; it’s so important to be informed and to have opinions. I wrote this with the intent of shedding some light on the importance of fighting ignorance, which has never been more relevant than now.

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