My Hopes and Dreams | Teen Ink

My Hopes and Dreams

December 13, 2017
By Samismiles BRONZE, Scranton , Pennsylvania
Samismiles BRONZE, Scranton , Pennsylvania
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

My toes are in the sand
The waves fall back
Taking my thoughts with it.

One day, I’ll float away too
My raft will sink
My mind will go numb

For the awaited peacefulness
Has finally come.

I will step into the future
Keeping a hold on the past
Time to let go

The possibilities are vast
The doors waiting to be written
And the endings no ones but mine

Closing the bottle
That encloses my hopes and dreams
I throw it away into the deep blue sea

One day someone will read
My bottle of hope and dreams
By then
I will be alive

With my wings
And I’ll be flying high.

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