TROPICAL PARADISE—in the autumn | Teen Ink


December 11, 2017
By Kittens17 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kittens17 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     The chilly breeze rolls against the window as the wind blows the leaves into a fiery tornado of colors.  I look out the window waiting anxiously in line; I can feel the cold from outside send a chill through my hair. The clear door opens and  I walk in with the crowd of people,  a wave of warmth  hits me like a sweet summer’s breeze.  At  the head of the crowd, a lady stands talking to us, though I can not hear what she is saying.  My mind buzzes with the excitement of what’s to come.  The crowd moves forward into the room of butterflies.  As I bring up the rear of the crowd and enter the room, I see a beautiful rainbow of colors flutter before my eyes.    The waterfall swishing in the background, the bright green glow of the plants, and the squeals of children running about.  One butterfly catches your eye as if flutters toward you using your hair as its perch.  You stiffen up and stand  perfectly  still as  to not scare it.  The children around you all giggle in awe at the delicate creature atop your head and you smile with childish glee, it has chosen you as landing away from the terrifying smaller creatures chasing after it.  The surrounding parents take their children one by one out of the area and the butterfly flies to its new perch on top of a leaf.  You make your way out of the nice warmth in the room and back to the cool fall weather in the museum.  You’ll have to go there again and relive the magical transition.

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