Categories | Teen Ink


December 7, 2017
By LemonzLOLZ BRONZE, Near Chicago, Illinois
LemonzLOLZ BRONZE, Near Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 3 photos 0 comments

So there are these things called categories
They rip this world apart
All they do is judge
Judge people by their looks, not their heart.


Pretty and Popular, the girls that are loved
Quirky and odd, the girls that get shoved
Handsome and athletic, the boys that are never not acknowledged
Geeky and creepy, those poor boys get demolished


A category is a stereotype, a nuclear bomb
School’s have so many of them, it’s like being in Vietnam
This poem means more than just words
It is giving a voice to the unheard


We are all placed into a category
And that is grosser than a school Lavatory
Now you can see these words are obvious dangers
I hope this will be a real game changer

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