Fears | Teen Ink


December 12, 2017
By Ry7802 BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
Ry7802 BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" It doesn't matter how hard you hit: it matters how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"
- Rocky Balboa

You walk down the hallways of your school.
What do you hear?
Normally you’d here yelling, laughter maybe even tiny screams or squeals
But me, I here silence
I look around me and see the laughter slow in time
I see them but they don’t see me
Its a silence so cold it freezes me to the core
And yet this chilling silence doesn’t stop the screaming in my head
It’s all the same....
It’s your fault
You make everything worse
You are a disgrace
I cry to myself inside so no one sees my tears
Because in the end I will always be the girl who is afraid to face her fears
But every time I want to end it all.... Something stops me
Maybe they are right
Maybe I am too weak to stop the fight
But then I remember those whose eyes work around me
I never had to fight for them to see
I try to see my life in their shoes
Because they never got the chance to choose
So think before you leave more scars
Because then people don’t see you for who truly are

The author's comments:

This was written in a strong time of depression. A lot of people feel like they are alone when they suffer from depression. I was being bullied and i had people pulling away from me. I lost alot pf people i loved. I felt alone, even though i wasn't. I felt like there was nothing for me anymore. I almost gave up, but then i remebered the people who did understand. Who knew everything and stayed. That person had been through much worse and on the verge of death many times but i pulled them out of it. And he returned the favor. No matter what goes on in your head, you are never alone, there is always someone fighting harder to survive. That is the message i am trying to send.

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