Love is | Teen Ink

Love is

November 30, 2017
By DylanMitchell GOLD, Searsmont, Maine
DylanMitchell GOLD, Searsmont, Maine
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love is like golden beams of sun shining through a rainbow. A feeling that cannot be expressed or explained though we try time and time again, because those who have really felt it, know how truly special it is. Love is misunderstood and mysterious. Love can be fiery and passionate one day, like throwing sparklers into a campfire, and on another day, it can be like skipping stones on still grey water. It still brings you joy, just in a different way.
Some may compare love to sharing an umbrella. But sometimes, when your partner is down, you need to be their shelter in the rain. It’s not always 50/50. If you need to pick up that extra 20% and do a 30/70 then that is what needs to be done. Love is willing to let the rain hit your skin to protect your partner from the storms of life, and expect the same in return, just not all the time.
Love is a supernova and the chirp of a cricket all wrapped in one. Calm and exciting, adventures and peaceful. Love is your fast beating heart on the first kiss, and the calming protection of the 300th kiss. Love is accepting the new and remembering the old. More than anything, love is the fire that burns within all of our souls, keeping us motivated to live another day, until eventually, you find a fire in somebody else, one to shelter you from the rain.

The author's comments:

Love is something far often overlooked in todays world, and I hope this can help to show how I think it should be percived. 

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