Insubordinate Wife | Teen Ink

Insubordinate Wife

November 24, 2017
By fadilhashmey BRONZE, Lahore, Other
fadilhashmey BRONZE, Lahore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Runaway widow,
Or runaway bride?
Running from freedom,
The insubordinate wife.

Dismissed by the mister,
A drunken, shriveled louse,
Consuming all her wages,
As she was thrust out of the house.

Wandering, searching,
A vagabond to the bone,
A child in each hand,
Lounging the streets - all alone.

Lonely - and alone
To the refuge of her sister,
A solemn recluse,
- oh! Damn that mister!

Despite the struggles endured and hardships faced,
No job was found, no employment upheld,
A manifest disgrace.

Lost again in thoughts of oblivion,
As she ponders away her remaining days

The corpse I see engrossed in the earth
Is the face I used to see sweeping my floors
Black as a cloud he stands,
A mere eyesore.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece after learning the story of a maid who left the city owing to multiple instances of abuse from her husband, which rendered her life with him absolutely intolerable. Quite some time later, I discovered that she had travelled far South in search of work with her two children yet was still unable to find any, living on her sister's wages. Inevitably, fate caught up with her as she could no longer provide for her children and passed away due to starvation. 

I hope this can convey the idea of how those who may not be highly regarded because of their economic positions can also experience suffering, although we may not recognise. The struggles of one to perservere in their lives can also come across as particularly inspiring, although the outcome may not always be as favoured. 

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