A Perfect Summer Day | Teen Ink

A Perfect Summer Day

December 4, 2017
By Shona BRONZE, South Riding, Virginia
Shona BRONZE, South Riding, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Clear blue waves hit the end of their road.

They kept coming one after the other,
like there was a prize at the shore.

Sunscreen lotion, hot dogs, and sandwiches.
All coming from different direction to mask
the beautiful scent of the salty sea breeze.

Delicious vanilla ice cream on my
dry lips dripping down into the sand.

The screaming of kids chasing after their parents
or their siblings taunting "you can't catch me".

Warm sea breeze flowing through my hair,
while flipping all the pages of my book in my hand
to the wrong page.

This is a perfect day to relax out in the sun.
With my family screaming at each other,
people out in the beautiful blue ocean,
and enjoying each other's company.

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