Growing Wonder | Teen Ink

Growing Wonder

November 20, 2017
By anonwhoisthinking GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
anonwhoisthinking GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A small baby crawls through a lively backyard.
She sits, unbalanced, under the youthful maple tree, arching her neck to look up at the crisp leaves.
She topples over, head hitting the grass; not very hard.
A fiery ladybug with spots of black tickles while it travels on her pudgy hands.
She giggles as her blue eyes widen in wonder as she looks up where the puffy clouds stand.

A young girl aimlessly walks in that same backyard- slightly changed.
She bounds through the yard rediscovering blue jays, cardinals, and sunflowers that have been perfectly arranged.
Peering around the flower beds, each has their own little flair.
She tires out, knees entirely caked with earthy dirt but still having wilting purple lavender in her hair.
The backyard sighs with content; another day well shared.

She comes back once more and looks out from the front porch in the background that has matured with her.
Light hits the cracked clothesline and more birds chirp than before.
The maple tree deepened its roots and stretched out to the sky.
The wind disrupts the grass that has grown; no upkeep in sight- about a mile high.
Ladybugs travel around her feet, feeling familiar.

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