I Was Forced To Write About Math | Teen Ink

I Was Forced To Write About Math

October 11, 2017
By Princefluffybear BRONZE, Wichita, Kansas
Princefluffybear BRONZE, Wichita, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Find each sum.

1) (-12) +7=?

They give us these problems in hopes that we will challenge our zombie brains,

sometimes it does; sometimes it doesn't.

The kids who are amazing at math can answer this quickly and correctly; -5.

The kids who are kinda challenged at math will have a few tries before they get it right; -19? 7? 13? -5!!

The kids have a fit because and blame the teacher because "Well, Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs didn't explain it good enough! I have no idea what I'm doing!"

Yet they refuse help from another peer or another teacher.

Both teachers and student need to work on their communication and how to help each other.

Think about it like temperature.

Anything below 0 is a nagative (-) number.

Anything above 0 is a positive (+) number.

It's the same way with the number line, anything below zero has no real value so it becomes a negative number, anything above zero have a value so its a positive number.

You have to talk it slow with them;


ignore the negatuve sign for now.


what was the number with the highest sign? The -12

the answer?


The author's comments:

A lot of kids have problems with how it's teached so I thought I would write about it. This was also my math project and I wanted to write about something that I struggle with sometimes.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 15 2017 at 1:40 pm
WibblyWobblyMadLib SILVER, Muskogee, Oklahoma
6 articles 0 photos 6 comments
I loved this. I am definitely not a math wiz and get pretty distraught about it because I have high grades in every other class.