Five word | Teen Ink

Five word

September 29, 2017
By ariannak15 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
ariannak15 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you really know what

Going on in a person mind.

Do you ever wonder what

They go through at home .

Can  you see or feel their

Pain they are in.


Can you be their way to happiness.

Just stop and think.

Is this all going through your head

You feel heartbroken at sometimes.

No one cares how you feel or what you do.

You pass a class no one cares.

You graduate high school no one cares.

You’re  a english teacher that has two degrees in  college

Still no one cares.


People always say you're nothing and you’re worthless.

Your mom always told you to keep your head up high.

You try over and over again put people always bring you down.

But you seem to overcome it and you realize you achieve so

Much just by though five little words.

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