Cans... | Teen Ink


September 28, 2017
By Fatihiskewl BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Fatihiskewl BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is the how-to-guide to solve all the political and social problems in the US
We have the Antifa, rioting and looting
We have the Confederate statues, some people want them down, others want to preserve
We have the Alt-Right, blabbering about white heritage, jews, or something
We have the Black Lives Matter, protesting cops, and some even looting
We have the KKK and Neo-Nazis, it’s better not to talk about them
We also have the unaffiliated bystanders, who just want to drive to work without,
Anyone trying to flip their car
There is a lot of social conflict today
Our country is divided into many pieces, there is no denying that
Everyday on the news, whether it's fake or not
There is many mentions of protests, riots, demonstrations, etc.
One side is always blaming the other, fighting the other, and even killing the other
At a glance, it seems like it has no end in sight
But what if I told you there is a way to fix all that
It is a truly revolutionary product
It is something that will blow your mind
The thing you have to do is…
Crack open a Pepsi!
Just one can can make solve all the social and political problems going on today
Just one smooth, tough, aluminum, tough, but gentle can
Everything will be peaceful, everything bliss
So go to Sam’s Club, grab a 36 pack of Pepsi cans
Then go to your nearest riot, and give everyone a Pepsi

The author's comments:

All the political conflict going on inspired me.

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