Fifteen Things To Forget | Teen Ink

Fifteen Things To Forget

September 20, 2017
By Tadhg GOLD, Portland, Oregon
Tadhg GOLD, Portland, Oregon
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"They watched as she danced in the flames and they wondered why she wasn't burnt. And she would glance at them and ponder how they coped with the cold."
-J.M. Storm

1. How you breathed in the world as though it were air
2. The way you smelled like old books
3. How you would pull me out when I start to drown in my thoughts
4. When we met and I fell to pieces at the sight of you
5. Your tousled hair at four in the morning when you stayed up to talk
6. The lulls in our conversations when you would just stare at me like no one else had
7.The way your eyes could stop time
8. The way your whispers could stop seas
9. The way you made me laugh at the best of times
10. The way you made me cry at the worst of times
11. When you told me that you loved me
12. When you told me that you didn't
13. When you first said hello
14. When you last said goodbye
15. You

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