Where I am From | Teen Ink

Where I am From

September 19, 2017
By Ellatennis BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Ellatennis BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the dark stained wood,
the snow we threw in winter.
The sun washed stones that were a lining.

I am from falling off of jungle gyms
and breaking bones.
I am from my friends wheeling me in my wheelchair for a year.

I am from spending the weekends at basketball games.
I am from celebrating with my winning team,
with pounds of food and chocolate milk.

I am from the loss of a grandfather,
and an uncle in his 40’s.
I am from the cries of family to the recollection of time.

I am from the joys of the first day of high school,
and the terrifying upperclassmen.
I am from the summer I spent traveling to Europe and learning.

I am from the painful sickness of a child with cancer—a best friend.
I am from going to her hospital window on her 16th birthday with balloons and signs.
I am from the death of an incredible girl.

I am from the pride of heritage of family,
the Swedish and Norwegian blood. 
I am from a strong grandmother, who gets back up when she’s down.

I am from the joys of playing the sport I trained years for,
  and hitting a ball inside of line.
I am from the safety and protection of my family.

I am from the fortunate,
the hope and the perseverance.
I am from everything that life has brought, and taken.

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