Pending Title I | Teen Ink

Pending Title I

August 27, 2017
By Tadhg GOLD, Portland, Oregon
Tadhg GOLD, Portland, Oregon
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"They watched as she danced in the flames and they wondered why she wasn't burnt. And she would glance at them and ponder how they coped with the cold."
-J.M. Storm

Your voice
Echoes in the empty
Your words
Make my heart drop
Your eyes
Make me still in fear
As I realize what this means
The silence that followed
Was louder than the ocean
And the crashing of thunder
The truth hurts most when it's not said
And in that moment
Your coulonge of safety and kept promises
Smelled of sulfur and suffering
Your skin once smooth
Scratched mine as you grabbed my hand
And the eyes that once burned with passion
Numbed my horrified heart

The author's comments:

"Pending Title I" marks the begining of my "Pending Title" series. It's a series of poems that I can't title.

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