I Drifted Astray | Teen Ink

I Drifted Astray

July 29, 2017
By BarotM BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
BarotM BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I drifted astray as a sail lost at sea

That once navigated by a fine light,
When all at once rough waters hit,
Damaging a light once bright,
Now surrounded by a sea dim lit,
I struggle to hold onto my loved one,
Going from days of laughter to a state of stun.

I stand gazing up at blotches of gray,
Stuck in an endless sea of woes and no’s,
Pondering on the universe and it’s wayward way,
Watching it take some in and let others go,
Now I seek nothing but a safe haven,
For after a fall you must reawaken.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by William Wordsworth's famous poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud." I wrote this piece after I had nearly lost someone important to me. It sparked the realization that we don't understand the value of something until it is almost gone. Until that very moment, I unintentionally took small things for granted, whether it was a moment of laughter or a simple presence. This moment shaped who I became from that point in time to who I would be ahead, because after all, the universe has it's own way of shaping our character.

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