Worry | Teen Ink


July 19, 2017
By S.Allen896 BRONZE, Tarpon Springs , Florida
S.Allen896 BRONZE, Tarpon Springs , Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gushing willfully through my veins, bruising my heart with its stinging toxin, choking my soul with its callous chains, heaving a hulking load onto my shoulders meant for oxen.

Standing tall and rendering strong, holding a spear, yet wearing no bronze, for its only here to stab you with panic and torment your mind. Frigid, glacial blue eyes and apathetic gaze boring through your soul, opening up your nightmares, laying dormant and whole.

Unlocking your feral troubles, releasing them like a pack of esurient wolves, tearing my happiness and calm into rubble, breaking and shattering my delicate yet protective bubble. Letting fear storm my clear, sunny day, and packing away my joyous and radiant mood, setting off into the dusky, jet black twilight, leaving behind the eye of the storm, and stepping into the gale and bearing the tempest, as I unleash my tears and embrace anxiety with an awkward, uncaring hug.

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