The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

July 1, 2017
By Anonymous

You play such a twisted game
In which I always seem to lose
I play fair and that's my problem
I play with cheaters and I know it too
You cheat and lie and let me cry
So you can wear a smile
But I am used to playing this game
I have been for a while
I go through hell and your the devil
Disguised as God himself
I let my trust fall in your grasp
Now it's too late to call for help
I kick and scream and always cry
But your grip only gets tighter
You know I'm not a fighter
Just when I'm about to break free
You loosen up your grip
I look back at the tears in your eyes
And fall right for the trick
I turn around arms open wide
Telling you 'Baby please don't cry'
Then that's when you always shout I win
And we start to play the game again

The author's comments:

If you buy an expensive sculpture and right when you get home you drop it, youre sad at first but just go get a new one. Not many people want a broken sculpture. Same with a heart. Once its shattered at such a young age not many people will be able to handle holding all the pieces.

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