I Could Lie Here Forever | Teen Ink

I Could Lie Here Forever

June 25, 2017
By awellreadathlete BRONZE, Hallsville, Texas
awellreadathlete BRONZE, Hallsville, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The most powerful weapon on Earth is the human soul on fire. -Ferdinand Foch

From the bow of the catamaran
I look out upon the Costa Rican horizon
observing the brilliant rocks and mountains
And the way the water captures the sun’s reflection

I turn around and my back lies flat
My fingers graze the net woven beneath me
The clouds cluster around the sun
waiting for their chance to conceal its light

I close my eyes
and try to notice everything

I hear
The percussion of the boat cutting through the current
The rhythm of the bongo beating in the tropical melody
coming through the speaker on my right
The buzz of Spanish conversations
And the casual laughter of my fellow passengers

I smell
The salt of the Pacific Ocean
surrounding the ship
The sunscreen we have all slathered on in vain
And the sweet aromas of the fresh fruits
being distributed by the amiable Tico waiters

I feel
The easy swaying of the boat
as it tries to glide over waves
The cool breeze playing with my hair
And the warmth of the sun resting
on my cheeks   arms   legs   and feet

I have always preferred mountains to oceans
but I cannot help feeling
in this moment

I Could Lie Here Forever

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this on a boat ride to an island in Costa Rica. One may read in the poem what I felt, but while I was lying there I remember thinking "I could write a poem about this." So I did, on the flight home the next day.

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