Thoughts | Teen Ink


June 23, 2017
By Mr.Superfluous BRONZE, Louisville, Colorado
Mr.Superfluous BRONZE, Louisville, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

High in the vaulting sky
Like a nebula, aglow, but dark
Across the void of humans and history.

Lit in the shadows
But not in the heart
Alive, but dead.

Was set ablaze with fire of hunger
Now set ablaze with litter and glitches
Lost in an endless battle of 0's and 1's.

Has a mind
That’s cracked by salt
And warped by confusion, anger, and blood.

Used to fight
Used to live
Used to be their self.

The hunger is no longer
Only perspective
And soul.

Pain, anger, hurt,
Shapes your will
In ways of clay.

It can be molded, re-used, and perfected
Or cut, broken, and destroyed
Without thought.

Because humans
Do it naturally
They are clay.

But I
Refuse to be warped by others
I refuse to be others, I refuse to be myself.

For right now
I am not me
I’m not I.

I’m someone wandering the world of 0s and 1s
Getting darker and darker
Lost without myself.

Without a course to guide me
I will sleep
And not be awakened into my truest form.

Until I find
The one
The one that is me.

The author's comments:

What inspired me is I play a lot of video games and also I'm sad a lot. So I like to convery through writing so I wrote a poem about my feelings about myself/the world. I hope people get from this, "Wow, there is something else here, not just a poem."

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