A Wiser Ear | Teen Ink

A Wiser Ear

June 6, 2017
By ejsmith.2018 BRONZE, Rochester, New Hampshire
ejsmith.2018 BRONZE, Rochester, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Weighted eyes drooping

As paths grow denser

Stride gives way to stride

Native woods grow strange


Elm, pine, beech, hemlock

Boughs offer no light


Birdcalls in shadow:

Cacophonous cries


Uncertain footing

Directionless trails

Cause need for fresh paths

Hewn as last resort


Sweat falls to each brow

Labors strain muscle


With each tree clearedout

Amber past unfolds


Native woods once lost

Brought into focus

Crisper still: renewed

Trails widen once more


Now trees overhead

Shimmer as sea foam


Birdsongs have returned

To a wiser ear

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